Dear customers, we inform you that, according to the Consumer Protection Law (Official Gazette of RS, No. 62/2014), purchases made through our sales website  are considered distance sales.

The law, in the case of distance selling, establishes the right of the buyer, who is considered a consumer (a natural person who purchases a product for their individual needs, not for conducting a professional activity), to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the day the product was ordered but has not yet been delivered. When exercising the right to withdraw, the buyer may or may not state the reasons for doing so.

The contract's Form/Statement of Withdrawal takes legal effect from the day it is sent to the merchant. You can download the Form/Statement of Withdrawal HERE.

In case of contract withdrawal, the consumer has the right to a refund or to order another product. The cost of returning the money is borne by the buyer.